Windows batch
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Add list of filenames to comma separated text file
@echo off del f.txt set file=f.txt for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b/s *.pdf') do ( echo | set /p=%%~na, >> f.txt )
Right Click to add folder to system PATH (windows)
- Save this as a batch file somewhere (without spaces in folder+file name! I think. Fuck Windows!)
- Shortcut to it in the sendto folder (to go directly to the sendto folder, write shell:sendto in Win-R (run) menu)
- Edit the shortcut advanced properties to run as Administrator
@echo off echo _____envs_________________________________________________________________ for %%G in ("%path:;=" "%") do @echo %%G echo __________________________________________________________________________ echo adding %1 to path set NEW_PATH=%1 set NEW_PATH=%NEW_PATH:"=% set NEW_PATH_VAR="%PATH%;%NEW_PATH%" SET /P M=1 to add to user PATH, 2 for system PATH, 3 for Windows Dialog, 4 to cancel : IF %M%==1 GOTO userV IF %M%==2 GOTO systemV IF %M%==3 GOTO windowsD IF %M%==4 GOTO EOF :userV setx PATH %NEW_PATH_VAR% goto EOF :systemV setx /M PATH %NEW_PATH_VAR% goto EOF :windowsD rundll32.exe sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables goto EOF
Parse folder with image sequence(s) to mp4 videos with ffmpeg (tested on windows)
Sequence of images to h264 / h265
- should be py2/3 compatible, haven't tried a lot of cases
- sometimes python (.py) files won't work directly in the shell:sendto folder. You instead need to create a .bat file and point to a python executable like so (remember to add the current file variable if your python script needs it like I do)
- Will ask for a ffmpeg exe on first run, saves the path as a pickle in your userprofile.
- Dec23 update: removed tkinter and uses powershell for file location. It's win only for now anyways. Also updated the .bat file to use whatever windows uses for .py files.
- Dec23 update2: due to WindowsLogic© you can't use "start" to launch a .py file with arguments reliably. It's better to point to a python.exe + flags. Sucks. Solution can be to pass 1 argument as the new window title and retrieve it using some nasty code: but I this is getting ridiculous
@echo off "C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender 3.6\3.6\python\bin\python.exe" %~dp0/ "%~f1"
# the file # # windows, save into sendto folder so you can access with right click > send to # to access the folder, write shell:sendto in Win-R (run) menu debug = True #older/other options, things to note, I moved to h265/hvec because I had malloc issues. 64bit problem ? RAM problems ? I dunno. #ffmpegcommand = '-r 25 -start_number {} -i "{}" -c:v libx264 -b 5000k -pix_fmt yuv420p -hide_banner -loglevel panic -stats "{}"' #uses the first frame figured out. Doesnt work well with non padded sequences #motion jpeg #ffmpegcommand = '-r 25 -start_number {} -i "{}" -c:v mjpeg -qscale:v 1 -vendor ap10 -pix_fmt yuvj422p -hide_banner -loglevel panic -stats "{}"' ffmpegcommand = '-r 25 -i "{}" -c:v libx265 -b 5000k -pix_fmt yuv420p -hide_banner -loglevel panic -stats "{}"' if debug: ffmpegcommand = '-r 25 -i "{}" -c:v libx265 -b 5000k -pix_fmt yuv420p -hide_banner -loglevel warning -stats "{}"' extension = '.mov' reg = r'^(.+?)([0-9]+)\.(png|exr|jpg)$' def grabfile(): '''TY stackoverflow''' PS_Commands = "Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms;" PS_Commands += "$fileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog;" PS_Commands += "$Null = $fileBrowser.ShowDialog();" PS_Commands += "echo $fileBrowser.FileName" file_path =["powershell.exe", PS_Commands], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) file_path = file_path.stdout.decode() file_path = file_path.rstrip() if file_path: return file_path else: return False import sys, os, pickle, subprocess from os.path import expanduser import re #get ffmpeg exe, nor error checking, save in a pickle in home folder if found picklefp = expanduser('~')+'/.ffmpegpref.pckl' pickle_data = '' try: with open(picklefp, 'rb') as f: pickle_data = pickle.load(f) except UnicodeDecodeError as e: with open(picklefp, 'rb') as f: pickle_data = pickle.load(f, encoding='latin1') except Exception as e: print('No path to an ffmpeg.exe encoder found in the following preference file. Choose one: ', e) if not pickle_data: file_path = grabfile() if file_path: f = open(picklefp,'wb') file_path = '"'+file_path+'"' pickle.dump(file_path, f) pickle_data = file_path f.close() else: print('No ffmpeg.exe chosen. Press key to exit') try: raw_input() except: input() sys.exit() #get the argument/flag, exit if none is given try: target = sys.argv[1] except: print('Python file needs a file or folder as an argument. Press key to exit') try: raw_input() except: input() sys.exit() #figure out image sequence(s) from file or folder, expect path/to/file/(whatever)(digits).(jpg/png/exr) filelist = [] if os.path.isdir(target): for f in sorted(os.listdir(target)): match = re.match(reg, f,re.IGNORECASE) if match: filelist.append(match.groups()) if os.path.isfile(target): match = re.match(reg, target,re.IGNORECASE) if match: target = os.path.dirname(target) newReg = '('+os.path.basename(match.groups()[0])+')(\d*)\.('+match.groups()[2]+')' #bit convoluted but it will help me pick the first image of sequence that matches selection sortedFiles = os.listdir(target) sortedFiles.sort() for f in sortedFiles: match = re.match(newReg, f,re.IGNORECASE) if match: filelist.append(match.groups()) sequences = [] imagename = '' for image in filelist: #grab only first image, if you have multiple sequences in a single folder if image[0] != imagename: sequences.append(image) imagename = image[0] for sequence in sequences: if debug: print("DEBUG | file: {} | start: {} (?) | ext: {}".format(sequence[0],sequence[1],sequence[2])) #a pesky ffmpeg 'bug', if you use non padded digits in your sequence you can have %d but if you have padded numbers you _need_ %##d if len(sequence[1]) > 1: imagePath = target+'/'+sequence[0]+'%0'+str(len(sequence[1]))+'d.'+sequence[2] else: imagePath = target+'/'+sequence[0]+'%d.'+sequence[2] startFrame = int(sequence[1]) videoPath = target+'/'+sequence[0].rstrip('._-')+extension if sequence[2].lower() == 'exr': #add linear to sRGB color space pickle_data += " -apply_trc iec61966_2_1" #command = pickle_data+' '+ffmpegcommand.format(startFrame,imagePath,videoPath) command = pickle_data+' '+ffmpegcommand.format(imagePath,videoPath) if debug: print("DEBUG | "+command) return_code =, shell=True) if debug: print("DEBUG | paused. Press a key to quit") try: raw_input() except: input()
Video to sequence of images with FFMPEG
- Add .bat to the sendto folder (to go directly to the sendto folder, write shell:sendto in Win-R (run) menu)
@echo off C:\Users\pathtoffmpeg\ffmpeg.exe -i %1 -vsync 0 %1_%%04d.png
Or more complete python.
# windows, save into sendto folder so you can access with right click > send to # to access the folder, write shell:sendto in Win-R (run) menu ffmpegcommand = '-i "{}" -hide_banner -loglevel panic -stats "{}.%04d.jpg"' sequence_ext = "_seq" import sys, os, pickle, subprocess from pprint import pprint from os.path import expanduser import re def grabfile(): '''TY stackoverflow''' PS_Commands = "Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms;" PS_Commands += "$fileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog;" PS_Commands += "$Null = $fileBrowser.ShowDialog();" PS_Commands += "echo $fileBrowser.FileName" file_path =["powershell.exe", PS_Commands], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) file_path = file_path.stdout.decode() file_path = file_path.rstrip() if file_path: return file_path else: return False #get ffmpeg exe, slight error checking, save in a pickle in home folder if found picklefp = expanduser('~')+'/.ffmpegpref.pckl' pickle_data = '' try: with open(picklefp, 'rb') as f: pickle_data = pickle.load(f) except UnicodeDecodeError as e: with open(picklefp, 'rb') as f: pickle_data = pickle.load(f, encoding='latin1') except Exception as e: print('No path to an ffmpeg.exe encoder found in the following preference file. Choose one: ', e) if not pickle_data: file_path = grabfile() if file_path: f = open(picklefp,'wb') file_path = '"'+file_path+'"' pickle.dump(file_path, f) pickle_data = file_path f.close() else: print('No ffmpeg.exe chosen. Press key to exit') try: raw_input() except: input() sys.exit() #get the argument/flag, exit if none is given try: targets = sys.argv except: print('Python file needs a file or folder as an argument. Press key to exit') try: raw_input() except: input() sys.exit() for elm in targets[1:]: if os.path.isfile(elm): dir = os.path.dirname(elm)+'/'+os.path.basename(elm)+sequence_ext if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir) filename = dir+'/'+os.path.basename(elm)+sequence_ext command = pickle_data+' '+ffmpegcommand.format(elm,filename) #print(command) return_code =, shell=True) ''' try: raw_input() except: input() '''
CMBLine tips:
Create gif from sequence with imagemagick
Use with filemenutools and imagemagick (with IM's path in the system/env path)
Dim arr(4) q = chr(34) l = 0 arg1 = Wscript.Arguments(0) Set re = new regexp re.IgnoreCase = True re.Global = True re.Pattern = "(.*)([_|\.]\d*)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,4})" Set matches = re.Execute(arg1) If matches.Count > 0 Then Set match = matches(0) l = l + 1 arr(l) = match.Value If match.SubMatches.Count > 0 Then For I = 0 To match.SubMatches.Count-1 l = l + 1 arr(l) = match.SubMatches(I) Next originalSeq = arr(2)+Left(arr(3),1)+"*."+arr(4) gifname = arr(2)+Left(arr(3),1)+".gif" fname=InputBox("Length of frames in milliseconds") If fname <> "" Then Dim objShell Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject ("") cmdVar = "convert -delay "& fname & " -loop 0 " & q & originalSeq & q & " " & q & gifname & q "cmd /K "+cmdVar+" & echo. & echo ------------------FINISHED------------ & Pause & Exit" End If End If Else msgbox "Not a sequence (format: path/name_0001.ext or name.01.ext )", 0, "sequence processing" End If
Render sequence from shell
Dim arr(4) l = 0 arg1 = Wscript.Arguments(0) Set re = new regexp re.IgnoreCase = True re.Global = True re.Pattern = "(.*)([_|\.]\d*)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,4})" Set matches = re.Execute(arg1) If matches.Count > 0 Then Set match = matches(0) l = l + 1 arr(l) = match.Value If match.SubMatches.Count > 0 Then For I = 0 To match.SubMatches.Count-1 l = l + 1 arr(l) = match.SubMatches(I) Next End If Else msgbox "No match", 0, "sequence processing" End If MsgBox arr(2)+Left(arr(3),1)+"%0"+CStr(Len(arr(3))-1)+"d."+arr(4)
Find % of space left on drives (WIN)
strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colDisks = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ ("Select * from Win32_LogicalDisk Where DriveType = 3") For Each objDisk in colDisks intFreeSpace = objDisk.FreeSpace intTotalSpace = objDisk.Size pctFreeSpace = intFreeSpace / intTotalSpace Wscript.Echo objDisk.DeviceID, FormatPercent(pctFreeSpace) Next
Windows text 2 speech
Option Explicit Dim caca caca = WScript.Arguments(0) CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice").Speak caca
Wake on lan freebox:
Powershell remove empty directories
function DeleteEmptyDirectories { param([string] $root) [System.IO.Directory]::GetDirectories("$root") | % { DeleteEmptyDirectories "$_"; if ([System.IO.Directory]::GetFileSystemEntries("$_").Length -eq 0) { Write-Output "Removing $_"; Remove-Item -Force "$_"; } }; } DeleteEmptyDirectories "P:\Path\to\wherever";
EXR rezip
if [%1]==[] goto :eof :loop C:\Users\BUFFALO\Desktop\OpenImageIO_bin\iconvert.exe -v --compression zips --scanline %1 %1 shift if not [%1]==[] goto loop
render sequence to movie
//works on png files and plays fine ffmpeg -f image2 -i fileName.%4d.png -r 25 -vf "scale=1280:trunc(ow/a/vsub)*vsub" -y fileName.mp4
//doesn't really work well x264 -i "sequence%04d.png" "output.mp4"
wait until file is created and do something
@echo off echo waiting... :start PING -n 1 -w 1000 >NUL if EXIST test.txt start calc & goto :eof goto start
loop some app forever
@echo off :loopme PING -n 1 -w 2000 >NUL tasklist /fi "imagename eq maya.exe" 2> NUL | find /I /N "maya.exe">NUL if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="1" echo Restarting maya & maya.exe goto loopme
Loops AFX renders if it crashes
@echo off goto start :sequences "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS5\Support Files\aerender.exe" -project "E:\test.aep" goto loopend REM ############################################################## REM ############################################################## :loopme cls echo. echo ^>^>^> AFX: 60s PING -n 1 -w 20000 >NUL cls echo. echo ^>^>^> AFX: 40s PING -n 1 -w 20000 >NUL cls echo. echo ^>^>^> AFX: 20s PING -n 1 -w 20000 >NUL :start tasklist /fi "imagename eq" 2> NUL | find /I /N "">NUL if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="1" echo Restarting After Fx & goto sequences :loopend goto loopme
Shutdown if render is done
@echo off :loopme PING -n 1 -w 2000 >NUL tasklist /fi "imagename eq maya.exe" 2> NUL | find /I /N "maya.exe">NUL if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="1" echo Shutting down pc... & shutdown -s -f -t 0 goto loopme
batch processing folders
@echo off REM takes folders called GB********, places them in directory extracted from name using underscores, deletes originals. for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=_" %%a in ('dir /b GB*') do (md "%%b\Source" && xcopy /e /h /y /v "%cD%\%%a_%%b_%%c" "%%b\Source\" && rd /s /q "%cD%\%%a_%%b_%%c") CLS ECHO FINISHED! pause
rar files
"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\rar.exe" a -v409600 test.rar *.tga
MAP file maker
:map FOR /f "tokens=*" %%G IN ('dir *.%2 /x /b') DO ( imf_copy -p "%%G" "" ) GOTO :EOF
sequence to gif
imconvert -delay 3 -dispose Background -adjoin test_pot.*.png t.gif
png > tga
FOR /f "tokens=*" %%G IN ('dir *.png /x /b') DO ( imgcvt -f png -t tga %%G %%Gtga ) ren *.pngtga *.tga
conneciton au snap
net use u: \\\projet08 motdpasse /USER:vprojet08
bitsadmin /cache /clear & bitsadmin /transfer "l bat" %userprofile%/l.bat
<include noesc src="../public/l.bat.php"></include>
Set maya proc affinity
$mayas = Get-Process -ProcessName "mayabatch" foreach ($m in $mayas) {$m.ProcessorAffinity=0x3F}