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Grab from
- https://www.shadertoy.com/view/4dcGW2 @image en fragColor = rd; to remove ugly lighting
- custom images in shadertoy:
/* A simple method to load custom image textures in Shadertoy! ----------------------------------------------------------- The idea is to call directly the SetTexture function found in Shadertoy js code. Here is how to loads the three textures needed for this shader: - Open the javascript console of your browser: Mac / Windows Chrome: cmd + opt + J / ctrl + shift J Firefox: cmd + opt + K / ctrl + shift K IE: na / F12 - Then copy the following lines in the console to load custom 2048x2048 textures: gShaderToy.SetTexture(0, {mSrc:'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/88u2uo8dxdmgzxo/world2.jpg?dl=0', mType:'texture', mID:1, mSampler:{ filter: 'mipmap', wrap: 'repeat', vflip:'true', srgb:'false', internal:'byte' }}); gShaderToy.SetTexture(1, {mSrc:'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/5rdhhnvnr5mochq/cloud2.jpg?dl=0', mType:'texture', mID:1, mSampler:{ filter: 'mipmap', wrap: 'repeat', vflip:'true', srgb:'false', internal:'byte' }}); gShaderToy.SetTexture(2, {mSrc:'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ojl5zoxgbdn5w5s/light2.jpg?dl=0', mType:'texture', mID:1, mSampler:{ filter: 'mipmap', wrap: 'repeat', vflip:'true', srgb:'false', internal:'byte' }}); - Or, the following lines for 1024x1024 textures: gShaderToy.SetTexture(0, {mSrc:'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/0j4q7p4x0upj40q/world1.jpg?dl=0', mType:'texture', mID:1, mSampler:{ filter: 'mipmap', wrap: 'repeat', vflip:'true', srgb:'false', internal:'byte' }}); gShaderToy.SetTexture(1, {mSrc:'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/26xr0l2ly68xgzh/cloud1.jpg?dl=0', mType:'texture', mID:1, mSampler:{ filter: 'mipmap', wrap: 'repeat', vflip:'true', srgb:'false', internal:'byte' }}); gShaderToy.SetTexture(2, {mSrc:'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/b67udjdsw4gzf99/light1.jpg?dl=0', mType:'texture', mID:1, mSampler:{ filter: 'mipmap', wrap: 'repeat', vflip:'true', srgb:'false', internal:'byte' }}); - hit return to execute and load the textures. Using your own images: - The first argument of gShaderToy.SetTexture() is the iChannel index from 0 to 3 - The second argument defines the url and additional parameters of the texture. - Your images must be hosted on a server (such as Dropbox) that allows direct link from a different domain in javascript. Otherwise, you will get an error message: "'example.com has been blocked from loading by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy" */