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  • custom images in shadertoy:

A simple method to load custom image textures in Shadertoy!

The idea is to call directly the SetTexture function found in Shadertoy js code.

Here is how to loads the three textures needed for this shader:
 - Open the javascript console of your browser:
				   Mac      /     Windows
	Chrome:  cmd + opt + J  /  ctrl + shift J
	Firefox: cmd + opt + K  /  ctrl + shift K
    IE:          na         /  F12   

- Then copy the following lines in the console to load custom 2048x2048 textures:

gShaderToy.SetTexture(0, {mSrc:'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/88u2uo8dxdmgzxo/world2.jpg?dl=0', mType:'texture', mID:1, mSampler:{ filter: 'mipmap', wrap: 'repeat', vflip:'true', srgb:'false', internal:'byte' }});
gShaderToy.SetTexture(1, {mSrc:'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/5rdhhnvnr5mochq/cloud2.jpg?dl=0', mType:'texture', mID:1, mSampler:{ filter: 'mipmap', wrap: 'repeat', vflip:'true', srgb:'false', internal:'byte' }});
gShaderToy.SetTexture(2, {mSrc:'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ojl5zoxgbdn5w5s/light2.jpg?dl=0', mType:'texture', mID:1, mSampler:{ filter: 'mipmap', wrap: 'repeat', vflip:'true', srgb:'false', internal:'byte' }});

- Or, the following lines for 1024x1024 textures:

gShaderToy.SetTexture(0, {mSrc:'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/0j4q7p4x0upj40q/world1.jpg?dl=0', mType:'texture', mID:1, mSampler:{ filter: 'mipmap', wrap: 'repeat', vflip:'true', srgb:'false', internal:'byte' }});
gShaderToy.SetTexture(1, {mSrc:'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/26xr0l2ly68xgzh/cloud1.jpg?dl=0', mType:'texture', mID:1, mSampler:{ filter: 'mipmap', wrap: 'repeat', vflip:'true', srgb:'false', internal:'byte' }});
gShaderToy.SetTexture(2, {mSrc:'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/b67udjdsw4gzf99/light1.jpg?dl=0', mType:'texture', mID:1, mSampler:{ filter: 'mipmap', wrap: 'repeat', vflip:'true', srgb:'false', internal:'byte' }});

- hit return to execute and load the textures.

Using your own images:
 - The first argument of gShaderToy.SetTexture() is the iChannel index from 0 to 3
 - The second argument defines the url and additional parameters of the texture.
 - Your images must be hosted on a server (such as Dropbox) that allows direct link 
   from a different domain in javascript. Otherwise, you will get an error message:
   "'example.com has been blocked from loading by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy"
