//to hijack admin and load shelf from my documents/shelf.jsx, this needs to be in the scriptUI Panel folder { var nested_file = new File("~/Documents/shelf3.jsx");"r"); //alert(; eval(; nested_file.close(); } /*function createUI(thisObj) { var myPanel2 = (thisObj instanceof Panel) ? thisObj : new Window("palette", "My Tools", [100, 100, 300, 300]); myPanel2.add("button", [10, 10, 100, 30], "Tool #2"); return myPanel2; } var myToolsPanel2 = createUI(this);*/ function e(s){$.writeln(s)} // [buttonlaber, effect name or preset name, "fx" or "preset", var simpleEffects = [ [ "Fst blur" , "Fast Blur" , "fx" , [ "Blurriness" , 9 ] , [ "Repeat Edge Pixels" , 1 ] ], [ "Ramp V" , "Ramp" , "fx" ], [ "Ramp H" , "Ramp" , "fx" , [ "Start of Ramp" , [0 , 0] ] , [ "End of Ramp" , "Expression", "[thisComp.width,0]"] ], [ "Lvls" , "ADBE Easy Levels2" , "fx" ], [ "Huesat" , "ADBE HUE SATURATION" , "fx" ], [ "Curves" , "ADBE CurvesCustom" , "fx" ], [ "Invert" , "ADBE Invert" , "fx" ] ]; { var panel; function bernieShelf(thisObj) { panel = (thisObj instanceof Panel) ? thisObj : new Window("palette", "bernieShelf", [100, 100, 300, 300]); var res = "maingrp: group { \ alignment: ['fill','fill'], \ alignChildren: ['fill','top'], \ orientation: 'row', \ }"; group = panel.add(res); addButtons(group); resfreshUI(panel); return panel; } function addButtons(src){ for( i = 0 ; i < simpleEffects.length; i++){ e(simpleEffects[i][0]); src.add("button", undefined, simpleEffects[i][0]); } } function resfreshUI(src){ src.layout.layout(true); src.layout.resize(); src.onResizing = src.onResize = function () { if(src.size[0]>src.size[1]){ //columns writeLn(Math.random()); //writeLn(src.maingrp); //writeLn('rows'); }else{ } this.layout.resize(); } } bernieShelf(this); }
Full Shelf
mileage may vary on some buttons/OSes
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Quick_Fx_Palette 1.2 moded from script by Fred CRETET //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var But_01=["Fst Blr", // text on button, max is 7 char "fx", // fx or preset "Fast Blur", //exact effect name or preset path (copy the name in effects pallette in AE) "Blurriness", // custom property name only for fx (if you want to modify one default property for exemple the fast blur blurriness is "0" , to modify more one property you could create a preset) 9]; //custom property value for fx var But_02=["Ramp", // text on button, max is 7 char "fx", // fx or preset "Ramp"]; //exact effect name or preset path (copy the name in effects pallette in AE) // custom property name only for fx (if you want to modify one default property for exemple the fast blur blurruness is "0" , to modify more one property you could create a preset) //custom property value for fx var But_03=["Level", // text on button, max is 7 char "fx", // fx or preset "Levels (Individual Controls)"]; //exact effect name or preset path (copy the name in effects pallette in AE) // custom property name only for fx (if you want to modify one default property for exemple the fast blur blurruness is "0" , to modify more one property you could create a preset) //custom property value for fx var But_04=["HueSat", // text on button, max is 7 char "fx", // fx or preset "Hue/Saturation"]; //exact effect name or preset path (copy the name in effects pallette in AE) // custom property name only for fx (if you want to modify one default property for exemple the fast blur blurruness is "0" , to modify more one property you could create a preset) //custom property value for fx var But_05=["Curves", // text on button, max is 7 char "fx", // fx or preset "Curves"]; //exact effect name or preset path (copy the name in effects pallette in AE) // custom property name only for fx (if you want to modify one default property for exemple the fast blur blurruness is "0" , to modify more one property you could create a preset) //custom property value for fx var But_06=["Invert", // text on button, max is 7 char "fx", // fx or preset "Invert"]; //exact effect name or preset path (copy the name in effects pallette in AE) // custom property name only for fx (if you want to modify one default property for exemple the fast blur blurruness is "0" , to modify more one property you could create a preset) //custom property value for fx var But_07=["Choke", // text on button, max is 7 char "fx", // fx or preset "Simple Choker"]; //exact effect name or preset path (copy the name in effects pallette in AE) // custom property name only for fx (if you want to modify one default property for exemple the fast blur blurruness is "0" , to modify more one property you could create a preset) //custom property value for fx var But_08=["Photo F.", // text on button, max is 7 char "fx", // fx or preset "Photo Filter"]; //exact effect name or preset path (copy the name in effects pallette in AE) // custom property name only for fx (if you want to modify one default property for exemple the fast blur blurruness is "0" , to modify more one property you could create a preset) //custom property value for fx var But_09=["Fill", // text on button, max is 7 char "fx", // fx or preset "Fill", //exact effect name or preset path (copy the name in effects pallette in AE) "Color", // custom property name only for fx (if you want to modify one default property for exemple the fast blur blurruness is "0" , to modify more one property you could create a preset) [255,255,255]]; //custom property value for fx var But_13=["Turb Disp", // text on button, max is 7 char "fx", // fx or preset "Turbulent Displace", //exact effect name or preset path (copy the name in effects pallette in AE) "Size", // custom property name only for fx (if you want to modify one default property for exemple the fast blur blurruness is "0" , to modify more one property you could create a preset) "4"]; //custom property value for fx var But_15=["CC Comp", // text on button, max is 7 char "fx", // fx or preset "CC Composite"]; //custom property value for fx /* var But_13=["601 to RGB", // text on button, max is 7 char "preset", // fx or preset "C:/Program Files (x86)/Adobe/Adobe After Effects CS4/Support Files/Presets/Image - Utilities/Levels - video to computer.ffx"]; //exact effect name or preset path (copy the name in effects pallette in AE) // custom property name only for fx (if you want to modify one default property for exemple the fast blur blurruness is "0" , to modify more one property you could create a preset) //custom property value for fx */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { var myPanel; function Quick_fx_palette(thisObj) { myPanel = (thisObj instanceof Panel) ? thisObj : new Window("palette", "Fx_palette", [100, 100, 300, 300]); //Jeff Almasol's solution to fix text color var winGfx =; var darkColorBrush = winGfx.newPen(winGfx.BrushType.SOLID_COLOR, [0,0,0], 1); bw = 63; mg = 5; bh = 21; lm = 10; lmm = 12; b=1; myPanel.but_01 = myPanel.add("button", [lm, mg, bw+lm, mg+bh], But_01[0]); myPanel.but_02 = myPanel.add("button", [bw*b+mg+lm, mg, bw*(b+1)+lm, mg+bh], But_02[0]);b++; myPanel.but_13 = myPanel.add("button", [bw*b+mg+lm, mg, bw*(b+1)+lm, mg+bh], But_13[0]);b++; myPanel.but_03 = myPanel.add("button", [bw*b+mg+lm, mg, bw*(b+1)+lm, mg+bh], But_03[0]);b++; lm += lmm; myPanel.but_04 = myPanel.add("button", [bw*b+mg+lm, mg, bw*(b+1)+lm, mg+bh], But_04[0]);b++; myPanel.but_05 = myPanel.add("button",[bw*b+mg+lm, mg, bw*(b+1)+lm, mg+bh], But_05[0]);b++; myPanel.but_06 = myPanel.add("button",[bw*b+mg+lm, mg, bw*(b+1)+lm, mg+bh], But_06[0]);b++; myPanel.but_07 = myPanel.add("button",[bw*b+mg+lm, mg, bw*(b+1)+lm, mg+bh], But_07[0]);b++; lm += lmm; myPanel.but_08 = myPanel.add("button", [bw*b+mg+lm, mg, bw*(b+1)+lm, mg+bh], But_08[0]);b++; myPanel.but_09 = myPanel.add("button", [bw*b+mg+lm, mg, bw*(b+1)+lm, mg+bh], But_09[0]);b++; myPanel.but_10 = myPanel.add("button",[bw*b+mg+lm, mg, bw*(b+1)+lm, mg+bh],"Vign Dof");b++; myPanel.but_15 = myPanel.add("button", [bw*b+mg+lm, mg, bw*(b+1)+lm, mg+bh], But_15[0]);b++; lm += lmm; myPanel.but_12 = myPanel.add("button", [bw*b+mg+lm, mg, bw*(b+1)+lm, mg+bh], "Vignette");b++; myPanel.but_16 = myPanel.add("button", [bw*b+mg+lm, mg, bw*(b+1)+lm, mg+bh], "Rimlights");b++; myPanel.but_17 = myPanel.add("button", [bw*b+mg+lm, mg, bw*(b+1)+lm, mg+bh], "ShakeCam");b++; myPanel.but_19 = myPanel.add("button", [bw*b+mg+lm, mg, bw*(b+1)+lm, mg+bh], "Sep RGB");b++; myPanel.but_19.enabled = false; lm += lmm; myPanel.but_18 = myPanel.add("button", [bw*b+mg+lm, mg, bw*(b+1)+lm, mg+bh], "Loop Lyrs");b++; myPanel.but_23 = myPanel.add("button", [bw*b+mg+lm, mg, bw*(b+1)+lm, mg+bh], "Seq Lyrs");b++; myPanel.but_21 = myPanel.add("button", [bw*b+mg+lm, mg, bw*(b+1)+lm, mg+bh], "Trim Cmp");b++; o = app.preferences.getPrefAsLong("MP - CS5 - 4", "MP - Enable"); myPanel.but_22 = myPanel.add("button", [bw*b+mg+lm, mg, bw*(b+1)+lm, mg+bh], ("MP: "+((o)?"on":"off")));b++; lm += lmm; myPanel.but_20 = myPanel.add("button", [bw*b+mg+lm, mg, bw*(b+1)+lm, mg+bh], "Crop Cmp");b++; /* myPanel.but_20 = myPanel.add("button", [bw*b+mg+lm, mg, bw*(b+1)+lm, mg+bh], "Replace");b++; myPanel.but_17 = myPanel.add("button", [855, 5, 895, 25], But_17[0]); myPanel.but_18 = myPanel.add("button", [905, 5, 965, 25], But_18[0]);*/ myPanel.but_01.onClick =ApplyFx01; myPanel.but_02.onClick =ApplyFx02; myPanel.but_03.onClick =ApplyFx03; myPanel.but_04.onClick =ApplyFx04; myPanel.but_05.onClick =ApplyFx05; myPanel.but_06.onClick =ApplyFx06; myPanel.but_07.onClick =ApplyFx07; myPanel.but_08.onClick =ApplyFx08; myPanel.but_09.onClick =ApplyFx09; myPanel.but_10.onClick =ApplyFx10; //myPanel.but_11.onClick =ApplyFx11; myPanel.but_12.onClick =ApplyFx12; myPanel.but_13.onClick =ApplyFx13; myPanel.but_15.onClick =ApplyFx15; myPanel.but_16.onClick =ApplyFx16; myPanel.but_17.onClick =shkCam; myPanel.but_18.onClick =loopLayers; myPanel.but_19.onClick = function(){}; //sepRGB; myPanel.but_20.onClick = function(){app.executeCommand(app.findMenuCommandId("Crop Comp to Region of Interest"))}; myPanel.but_21.onClick = function(){app.executeCommand(app.findMenuCommandId("Trim Comp to Work Area"))}; myPanel.but_22.onClick = changeMP; myPanel.but_23.onClick = function(){app.executeCommand(app.findMenuCommandId("Sequence Layers..."))}; return myPanel; } function changeMP(){ o = app.preferences.getPrefAsLong("MP - CS5 - 4", "MP - Enable"); app.preferences.savePrefAsLong("MP - CS5 - 4", "MP - Enable",((o)?0:1)); myPanel.but_22.text = ((o)?"MP: off":"MP: on"); } function ApplyFx01(){ if(But_01[01]=="fx") { ApplyFx(But_01[2],But_01[3],But_01[4]); } if(But_01[01]=="preset") { ApplyPresetbutton(But_01[2]); } } function ApplyFx02(){ if(But_02[01]=="fx") { ApplyFx(But_02[2],But_02[3],But_02[4]); } if(But_02[01]=="preset") { ApplyPresetbutton(But_02[2]); } } function ApplyFx03(){ if(But_03[01]=="fx") { ApplyFx(But_03[2],But_03[3],But_03[4]); } if(But_03[01]=="preset") { ApplyPresetbutton(But_02[2]); } } function ApplyFx04(){ if(But_04[01]=="fx") { ApplyFx(But_04[2],But_04[3],But_04[4]); } if(But_04[01]=="preset") { ApplyPresetbutton(But_04[2]); } } function ApplyFx05(){ if(But_05[01]=="fx") { ApplyFx(But_05[2],But_05[3],But_05[4]); } if(But_05[01]=="preset") { ApplyPresetbutton(But_05[2]); } } function ApplyFx06(){ if(But_06[01]=="fx") { ApplyFx(But_06[2],But_06[3],But_06[4]); } if(But_06[01]=="preset") { ApplyPresetbutton(But_06[2]); } } function ApplyFx07(){ if(But_07[01]=="fx") { ApplyFx(But_07[2],But_07[3],But_07[4]); } if(But_07[01]=="preset") { ApplyPresetbutton(But_07[2]); } } function ApplyFx08(){ if(But_08[01]=="fx") { ApplyFx(But_08[2],But_08[3],But_08[4]); } if(But_08[01]=="preset") { ApplyPresetbutton(But_08[2]); } } function ApplyFx09(){ if(But_09[01]=="fx") { ApplyFx(But_09[2],But_09[3],But_09[4]); } if(But_09[01]=="preset") { ApplyPresetbutton(But_09[2]); } } function ApplyFx10(){ app.beginUndoGroup("Create Vignette"); myComp = app.project.activeItem; if(myComp != null){ newComp = app.project.items.addComp("vignetteComp",myComp.width,myComp.height,1.0,myComp.duration,1/myComp.frameDuration); whiteSolid = newComp.layers.addSolid([1,1,1], "White", myComp.width, myComp.height, 1); blackSolid = newComp.layers.addSolid([0,0,0], "Black", myComp.width, myComp.height, 1); newMask = blackSolid.Masks.addProperty("Mask"); newMask.inverted = true; myMaskShape ="maskShape"); myMaskFeather ="maskFeather"); myMaskExpansion ="ADBE Mask Offset"); myShape = myMaskShape.value; w =myComp.width; h=myComp.height; r = 2; myShape.vertices = [[w/2,0],[w,h/2],[w/2,h],[0,h/2]]; myShape.inTangents = [[-w/r,0],[0,-h/r],[w/r,0],[0,h/r]]; myShape.outTangents = [[w/r,0],[0,h/r],[-w/r,0],[0,-h/r]]; myShape.closed = true; myMaskShape.setValue(myShape); myMaskFeather.setValue([300,300]); myMaskExpansion.setValue(110); vignetteLayer = myComp.layers.add(newComp);"opacity").setValue(14); vignetteLayer.blendingMode = BlendingMode.MULTIPLY; adjLayer = myComp.layers.addSolid([1,1,1],"Vignette DOF",myComp.width,myComp.height,1.0); adjLayer.adjustmentLayer = true; v = adjLayer.Effects.addProperty("DRFL Depth of Field");"depth layer").setValue(vignetteLayer.index);"radius").setValue(12);"horizontal assume").setValue(2);"vertical assume").setValue(2); }else{ writeLn("No active comp"); } app.endUndoGroup(); } function ApplyFx11(){ var securitySetting = app.preferences.getPrefAsLong("Main Pref Section", "Pref_SCRIPTING_FILE_NETWORK_SECURITY"); if(securitySetting == 1){ a = system.callSystem("W:/09_Dandelions_COMP-SHOWS/Resources/DandyQuickPanel/clickmetoinstall.bat"); alert(a+"\n\nYou'll need to relaunch After Effects to get the latest version."); }else{ alert("Allow script network usage in prefs to fetch latest version."); } } function ApplyFx12(){ //creates a vignette comp = app.project.activeItem; layers = comp.layers; vignette = layers.addSolid([0,0,0],"Vignette",2048,2048,1); vignette.opacity.setValue(20); vignette.blendingMode = BlendingMode.OVERLAY; ramp ="Effects").addProperty("Ramp"); ramp("Start of Ramp").setValue([1024,1024]); ramp("Start Color").setValue([1,1,1]); ramp("End of Ramp").setValue([1024,2800]); ramp("End Color").setValue([0,0,0]); ramp("Ramp Shape").setValue(2); vignette.scale.setValue([100,52.7344]); } function ApplyFx13(){ if(But_13[01]=="fx") { ApplyFx(But_13[2],But_13[3],But_13[4]); } if(But_13[01]=="preset") { ApplyPresetbutton(But_13[2]); } } function ApplyFx15(){ if(But_15[01]=="fx") { ApplyFx(But_15[2],But_15[3],But_15[4]); } if(But_15[01]=="preset") { ApplyPresetbutton(But_15[2]); } } function ApplyFx16(){ createRimlights(); } function ApplyFx18(){ if(But_18[01]=="fx") { ApplyFx(But_18[2],But_18[3],But_18[4]); } if(But_18[01]=="preset") { ApplyPresetbutton(But_18[2]); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function ApplyFx(Effect_Name,CustomProperty,CustomValue){ app.beginUndoGroup("Apply Fx"); if ((app.project.activeItem == null) || ((app.project.activeItem != null) && !(app.project.activeItem instanceof CompItem))) { } else { var comp = app.project.activeItem; var layerCollection = comp.selectedLayers; for (idx=0;idx<layerCollection.length;idx++) { if(CustomProperty==null){ layerCollection[idx].Effects.addProperty(Effect_Name); } else{ layerCollection[idx].Effects.addProperty(Effect_Name).property(CustomProperty).setValue(CustomValue); } } } app.endUndoGroup(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function ApplyPresetbutton(PresetPath){ app.beginUndoGroup("Apply Preset"); var myPreset = File(PresetPath); if ((app.project.activeItem == null) || ((app.project.activeItem != null) && !(app.project.activeItem instanceof CompItem))) { } else { var comp = app.project.activeItem; var layerCollection = comp.selectedLayers; for (idx=0;idx<layerCollection.length;idx++) { layerCollection[idx].applyPreset(myPreset); } } app.endUndoGroup(); } Quick_fx_palette(this); } function createRimlights(){ ug = app.beginUndoGroup("Undo rimlights"); var comp = app.project.activeItem; var layerCollection = comp.selectedLayers; for (idx=0;idx<layerCollection.length;idx++){ /*line = layerCollection[idx].duplicate(); = layerCollection[idx].name + " (extract line)";*/ mask = layerCollection[idx].duplicate(); = layerCollection[idx].name + " (mask - move me)"; rim = layerCollection[idx].duplicate(); = layerCollection[idx].name + " (rim)"; rim.trackMatteType = TrackMatteType.ALPHA_INVERTED; //baseControl //angleCtrl = layerCollection[idx]. //line /*line.blendingMode = BlendingMode.MULTIPLY; extract ="Effects").addProperty("Extract"); extract("Black Point").setValue(13); extract("Invert").setValue(1); line.visibility = false; line.parent = layerCollection[idx];*/ mask.parent = layerCollection[idx]; // extract.parent = layerCollection[idx]; rim.parent = layerCollection[idx]; //rim aCtrl ="Effects").addProperty("Angle Control"); = "Rimlight angle"; aCtrl("Angle").setValue(45); rCtrl ="Effects").addProperty("Slider Control"); = "Distance"; rCtrl("Slider").setValue(8); dCtrl ="Effects").addProperty("Slider Control"); = "Roundness"; dCtrl("Slider").setValue(7); levelsR ="Effects").addProperty("Levels (Individual Controls)"); = "Rimlight Color Correction" levelsR("Gamma").setValue(2.15); //mask fastBlur ="Effects").addProperty("Fast Blur"); fastBlur("Blurriness").setValue(20); fastBlur("Blurriness").expressionEnabled = true; fastBlur("Blurriness").expression = "thisComp.layer(\"""\").effect(\"Roundness\")(\"Slider\")"; fastBlur("Repeat Edge Pixels").setValue(1); levels ="Effects").addProperty("Levels (Individual Controls)"); = "Alpha Squeeze"; levels("Alpha Input Black").setValue(0.45); levels("Alpha Input White").setValue(0.55); //mask.position.setValue([mask.transform.position.value[0]-5,mask.transform.position.value[1]+5]); mask.transform.position.expressionEnabled = true; //mask.transform.position.expression = "[thisComp.layer(\"""\").effect(\"Rimlight angle\")(\"Angle\"),0]"; mask.transform.position.expression = "p=transform.position;\nv = thisComp.layer(\"""\").effect(\"Rimlight angle\")(\"Angle\")/180*Math.PI+Math.PI/2;\nd = thisComp.layer(\"""\").effect(\"Distance\")(\"Slider\");\n[p[0]+Math.cos(v)*d,p[1]+Math.sin(v)*d];"; layerCollection[idx].selected=false; rim.selected=true; //levels("Alpha")("Alpha Input White").setValue(216); //expressions: } app.endUndoGroup(); } function shkCam(){ ug = app.beginUndoGroup("Undo shakecam"); var comp = app.project.activeItem; var layerCollection = comp.selectedLayers; for (idx=0;idx<layerCollection.length;idx++){ sCtrl1 = layerCollection[idx].property("Effects").addProperty("Slider Control"); = "Frequence"; sCtrl2 = layerCollection[idx].property("Effects").addProperty("Slider Control"); = "Amplitude"; sCtrl3 = layerCollection[idx].property("Effects").addProperty("Slider Control"); = "Rotation Amplitude"; sCtrl3("Slider").setValue(20); ssr = layerCollection[idx].property("Effects").addProperty("CC Repetile"); ssr("Expand Right").setValue(200); ssr("Expand Left").setValue(200); ssr("Expand Down").setValue(200); ssr("Expand Up").setValue(200); ssr("Tiling").setValue(4); layerCollection[idx].transform.position.expressionEnabled = true; // layerCollection[idx].transform.position.expression = "[999,999]"; layerCollection[idx].transform.position.expression = "wiggle(effect(\"Frequence\")(\"Slider\"),effect(\"Amplitude\")(\"Slider\"))"; layerCollection[idx].transform.rotation.expressionEnabled = true; layerCollection[idx].transform.rotation.expression = "wiggle(effect(\"Frequence\")(\"Slider\"),effect(\"Amplitude\")(\"Slider\"))/effect(\"Rotation Amplitude\")(\"Slider\")"; } app.endUndoGroup(); } function loopLayers(){ app.beginUndoGroup("Set loops"); var layersList = app.project.activeItem.selectedLayers; var frameD = app.project.activeItem.frameDuration; for (i=0;i<layersList.length;i++){ if(!layersList[i].timeRemapEnabled){ var outP = layersList[i].outPoint; layersList[i].timeRemapEnabled = true; layersList[i].timeRemap.setValueAtTime(outP-frameD,outP-frameD); layersList[i].timeRemap.setValueAtTime(outP,0); layersList[i].timeRemap.expressionEnabled = true; layersList[i].timeRemap.expression = "loopOut()"; } } app.endUndoGroup(); }
shelf v2
function e(s){$.writeln(s)} // [buttonlaber, effect name or preset name, "fx" or "preset", var simpleEffects = [ [ "Fst blur" , "Fast Blur" , "fx" , [ "Blurriness" , 9 ] , [ "Repeat Edge Pixels" , 1 ] ], [ "Ramp V" , "Ramp" , "fx" ], [ "Ramp H" , "Ramp" , "fx" , [ "Start of Ramp" , [0 , 0] ] , [ "End of Ramp" , "Expression", "[thisComp.width,0]"] ], [ "Lvls" , "ADBE Easy Levels2" , "fx" ], [ "Huesat" , "ADBE HUE SATURATION" , "fx" ], [ "Curves" , "ADBE CurvesCustom" , "fx" ], [ "Invert" , "ADBE Invert" , "fx" ] ]; { var myPanel; function bernieShelf(thisObj) { myPanel = (thisObj instanceof Panel) ? thisObj : new Window("palette", "bernieShelf", [100, 100, 300, 300]); var res = "group { \ alignment: ['fill','fill'], \ alignChildren: ['fill','top'], \ orientation: 'row', \ }"; // setWF: Button {text: 'add btn' ,preferredSize:[-1,30]} , \ //sendWF: Button {text: 'Send To Watchfolder' ,preferredSize:[-1,30]} , \ myPanel.grp = myPanel.add(res); addButtons(myPanel.grp); resfreshUI(myPanel); return myPanel; } function addButtons(src){ for( i = 0 ; i < simpleEffects.length; i++){ e(simpleEffects[i][0]); src.add("button", undefined, simpleEffects[i][0]); } } function resfreshUI(src){ src.layout.layout(true); src.layout.resize(); src.onResizing = src.onResize = function () { if(src.size.width<src.size.height){ e('taller'); //[0].orientation = "column"; }else{ e('wider'); //[0].orientation = "row"; } this.layout.resize(); } } bernieShelf(this); //alert(simpleEffects[3][0]); }
Vignette FL Depth of Field
{ app.beginUndoGroup("Create Vignette"); myComp = app.project.activeItem; if(myComp != null){ newComp = app.project.items.addComp("vignetteComp",myComp.width,myComp.height,1.0,myComp.duration,1/myComp.frameDuration); whiteSolid = newComp.layers.addSolid([1,1,1], "White", myComp.width, myComp.height, 1); blackSolid = newComp.layers.addSolid([0,0,0], "Black", myComp.width, myComp.height, 1); newMask = blackSolid.Masks.addProperty("Mask"); newMask.inverted = true; myMaskShape ="maskShape"); myMaskFeather ="maskFeather"); myMaskExpansion ="ADBE Mask Offset"); myShape = myMaskShape.value; w =myComp.width; h=myComp.height; r = 2; myShape.vertices = [[w/2,0],[w,h/2],[w/2,h],[0,h/2]]; myShape.inTangents = [[-w/r,0],[0,-h/r],[w/r,0],[0,h/r]]; myShape.outTangents = [[w/r,0],[0,h/r],[-w/r,0],[0,-h/r]]; myShape.closed = true; myMaskShape.setValue(myShape); myMaskFeather.setValue([300,300]); myMaskExpansion.setValue(110); vignetteLayer = myComp.layers.add(newComp);"opacity").setValue(14); vignetteLayer.blendingMode = BlendingMode.MULTIPLY; adjLayer = myComp.layers.addSolid([1,1,1],"Vignette DOF",myComp.width,myComp.height,1.0); adjLayer.adjustmentLayer = true; v = adjLayer.Effects.addProperty("DRFL Depth of Field");"depth layer").setValue(vignetteLayer.index);"radius").setValue(12);"horizontal assume").setValue(2);"vertical assume").setValue(2); }else{ writeLn("No active comp"); } app.endUndoGroup(); }