Photoshop Javascript
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This is not updated frequently! I rarely use photoshop and even less script it.
If you want an old overview here's a tutorial I wrote a thousand years ago on scripting in Photoshop:
Launch an action using the name of the current document
Save as .jsx and launch from File>Script in photoshop
/* An example of how you can use the name of a document to launch an action that shares the same name try it on an image called 'Gradient Map.jpg' -- since 'Gradient Map is a default action in the 'Default Actions' set it should work on a brand new photoshop */ //this gets the name of the current open (foremost document) currentImage = ; //this removes the extension currentImageName = currentImage.substring(0, currentImage.lastIndexOf('.')) || currentImage ; //this calls an action with the name of the current image from the 'Default Actions' set (which you can of course change) app.doAction( currentImageName ,'Default Actions');
All documents to current document
docs = app.documents; ad= app.activeDocument; for(i = 0;i<docs.length;i++){ if(docs[i]!=ad){ activeDocument = docs[i]; docs[i].selectAll; docs[i].layers[0].copy(); activeDocument = ad; ad.paste(); } } while(docs.length>1){ //hackish but works for(i = 0;i<docs.length;i++){ if(docs[i]!=ad){ docs[i].close(SaveOptions.DONOTSAVECHANGES); } } }
Incremental Save
// incrementalsave // // checks if there is a double underscore in filename, if not adds them starting at 0001 // else increments and saves as 24bit png (filename__####.png) in the doc's folder // // // feel free to use & modify - // // // only tested on vista+cs3 function remEx(f) { extPeriod = f.lastIndexOf("."); if(extPeriod > 0){ return f.substr(0,extPeriod); }else{ return false; } } function getIncrPos(nameWithoutExt){ pos = nameWithoutExt.lastIndexOf("__"); return nameWithoutExt.substr(pos+2,nameWithoutExt.length); } function basenameKindOf(path,match) { a = path.lastIndexOf(match); if(a > 0){; return path.substr(a,path.length); }else{ return false; } } function addZeros(number){ if(number<10){ number = "000"+number; }else if(number<100){ number = "00"+number; }else if(number<1000){ number = "0"+number; } return number; } docP = app.activeDocument.path; docN = remEx(; docFold = new Folder (app.activeDocument.path); files = docFold.getFiles(docN+"__*.png"); files = Folder.decode(files); if(files.length == 0){ numbering = 0; }else{ files = files.split(","); numbering = 0; for(var i in files){ curNumb = getIncrPos(remEx(basenameKindOf(files[i],docN))); numbering = Math.max(numbering,curNumb); //alert("'"+remEx(files[i])+"'"); } } numbering++; numbering = addZeros(numbering); var exportOptions = new PNGSaveOptions(); //var type = ExportType.PNG24; var fileSpec = new File(docP+"/"+docN+"__"+numbering+".png"); exportOptions.antiAliasing = true; exportOptions.transparency = true; exportOptions.saveAsHTML = false; app.activeDocument.saveAs(fileSpec,exportOptions,1,Extension.LOWERCASE);